A Certified 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization

We teach and inspire you to be great
pet parents and pet siblings!

Fund The Future of Responsible Pet Care

Contribute to our GoFundMe Campaign and Help us Improve the Adoption Process!

With a lot of the Fur Babies being returned to shelters and rescues due to Covid restrictions of working at home, there are also a lot of these Fur Babies abandoned, dumped and abused. I see that this situation is exasperated by the lack of education prior to people adopting a Fur Baby. I decided the Fur Babies need a voice before people become Pet Parents.

We're Here to Support You. More Importantly,

We're Here to Support the Fur Babies

The reason Pet Care Basics 101 was created is to be the voice fur the Fur Babies. They need an advocate to be their voice to be sure the potential Pet Parents will be THE best Pet Mommy and/or Pet Daddy they can have, parents who will love and nurture them. One who is educated in how to take care of them, what areas of the house need to be “Fur Baby Proofed” so they can’t hurt themselves, what nutrition to look fur, and so much more. Our mission is to ensure Fur Babies have Pet Parents that are educated on their care prior to adoption.

Here's The Problem

The adoption process has one fundamental flaw – a lack of care fur the well-being of Fur Babies following adoption.

Organizations are too focused on making space fur more Fur Babies, however, this leads to neglect, abuse, and shelter returns. We understand this. To change this, educating the potential Pet Parent(s) and Pet Siblings will stop a lot of this and eliminate potential adopters who are not qualified.

Potential Pet Parents and Pet Siblings need to be educated and certified prior to signing on the dotted line with all rescues, shelters, breeders and any establishments (i.e. Cat Cafes, Bunny Cafe) that pretend under the guise of doing adoptions to people who know nothing usually about the Fur Babies.

At the present time, all the potential Pet Parents and Pet Siblings need to do is show up at the rescues and shelters, show some kind of interest, give the shelter and rescue the fee and just take the baby home.

There are very few if any home checks, they know nothing about whether these adopters have any knowledge of how to really take care of a Fur Baby, whether there is Domestic Violence in the home, whether these adopters have done any research about what kind of financial and emotional commitment to expect. This is just a short list and there is more!

Education Saves Lives

We're The Solution.

We Teach and Inspire You to be Great Pet Parents and Pet Siblings!

We turn pet owners and pet siblings into Pet Parents and Pet Siblings by ensuring they are fully educated and hold a Pet Care Certification before they can adopt.

We teach you how to care fur your Fur Baby using the right approaches, techniques, and knowledge.

Our passionate staff has designed 4-week in-person classes to offer you the information you’ve always wanted to know about Pet Care Basics 101 Courses.

Learn secrets, tips, and vital facts of keeping your Fur Babies in the best possible living condition! 

Make the responsible choice; educate yourself on how to care for a Fur Baby the right way with Pet Care Basics 101.

Connecting With Foundations

We encourage foundations to provide grant money to the rescues and shelters that push potential Pet Parents to take the time to educate themselves before adopting a Fur Baby.  We need your help to get our message to foundations across the nation so that we may partner with shelters and rescues to transform the adoption process. 

Educating Potential and Seasoned Pet Parents

We strive to get shelters and rescues to implore people considering adopting a Fur Baby to educate themselves fully on what it takes to provide that fur baby with the best life possible. A full understanding of the responsibility that comes with a Fur Baby could prevent the thousands of shelter returns, abusive situations, and neglectful situations, that occur daily across the nation. 

Still Not Convinced?

As of now, there are a few shelters that maybe do a 1 – 2 hour information session after the adoption process is completed. The adoptive Pet Parents are listening but not really hearing or remembering what is being said. Their mind is on the fur baby whom they’ve just picked out to take home. 

A similar example is when you go and buy a car. When the financing process is completed, the salesperson says let’s sit down so we can go over the operating manual, and let me show you how the car’s features work, again, do you really think the buyer is listening? They’ve completed the financing process and now all they want is to drive the vehicle they just signed their life away for.

Yes, the adoption process will take a little longer, however, this is an investment in the adoption of this new family member and themselves. Find out if you can afford potential vet bills before committing to a Fur Baby or ensure you know how to understand if the Fur Baby will fit into your lifestyle before you find yourself returning them to their shelter. Let’s all further the cause of educating prospective and seasoned Pet Parents. This is so these Fur Babies can have educated Pet Parents who will know before they adopt, the proper love and care they need to give,  when their new Fur Baby family member comes home with them.

Remember these Fur Babies are not just  a cute face, They have feelings, they feel pain, they feel your anger, they feel your love,  and they deserve to be treated like you want to be treated. They are a living being, they just don’t speak your language.

We Act As the Voice Fur the Fur Babies

So They Can Receive the Care and Love They Need and Deserve.

Help us fund the future of the adoption process. We encourage you to explore our blog fur education on the harsh realities of life in a shelter, and just how short it can be. The world needs Pet Parents who are ready to commit to a furever home – financially, emotionally, and responsibly fur the Precious Angels. They DESERVE to be Loved and Cherished. They deserve to be free from human created evils, meanness and abuses. They were born into this world to give love and be loved, not abused, abandoned and dumped when the human decides they are now a burden. Otherwise, the number of unnecessary euthanizations, abuse cases, and neglect cases will continue to soar. 

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