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pet parents and pet siblings!

Another Fur Baby Abandoned Due To Uneducated Pet Owners

Why Educating Potential Pet Parents Is Necessary

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When two legged adults have no compassion, thoughts or feelings beyond adopting a four legged Precious Fur Baby who gives Love unconditionally, except to fill that void until they decide to have a two legged baby, a lot of the time the Precious Fur Baby has to pay the price.

This is the reason why educating potential pet parents is necessary; People need to understand the Precious Fur Babies are not disposable. When people do things like this there is a lot to be said about their character. (There is none.)

Want to Improve Your Pet Parenting Skills?

While it’s easy to get used to having a bundle of furry joy around, it can be overwhelming to understand if you’re giving them the correct level of care. Our Pet Care Basics 101 Courses will show you everything you need to know fur a happy, healthy, Fur Baby!

Make the responsible choice; educate yourself on how to care fur a Fur Baby the right way with Pet Care Basics 101 Courses.

Now Enrolling Fur Classes!

Become a Better Pet Parent Today!

We Teach and Inspire You to be Great Pet Parents and Pet Siblings!

We turn pet owners and pet siblings into Pet Parents and Pet Siblings by ensuring they are fully educated and hold a Pet Care Certification before they can adopt.

We teach you how to care fur your Fur Baby using the right approaches, techniques, and knowledge.

Our passionate staff has designed 4-week in-person classes to offer you the infurmation you’ve always wanted to know prior to adopting at Pet Care Basics 101.

Learn the secrets, tips, and vital facts of keeping your Fur Babies in the best possible living conditions!

Make the responsible choice; educate yourself on how to care for a Fur Baby the right way with Pet Care Basics 101.

Snowball the Pittie, has feelings and hurts like you and me.

She is just unable to express her feelings except to look bewildered and wonders what did she do wrong to get evicted from the only home she’s ever known. Snowball doesn’t understand. She’s thinking, “I gave them everything I had, I did what I know how to do best, that being a LOVING Fur Baby.”

How can people be so heartless?

They don’t understand that when a Fur Baby is surrendered to a shelter more than a rescue, usually, when they are not fortunate enough to get adopted within 72 hours, they could be going to the Rainbow Bridge. For people who don’t know about the Rainbow Bridge, it is lights out and a one-way ticket.

This makes one wonder, if in the future, they grew tired of their two legged child, and there were no laws of them getting into trouble, would they discard the child? These are people who never stop to think what the bigger picture would be, or what consequences there are for their actions.

When people are not held accountable for their actions (i.e. held responsible), in the case of Fur Babies, they have no feelings or care of what happens when they choose to discard this Precious Fur Baby.

Before you choose to bring a Fur Baby into your home...

Stop and think about are you willing to be committed to the entire Life of this Precious Fur Baby. This little Precious Fur Angel did not come to you and asked you to be their Furever Pet Parent. YOU chose this journey, so respect this Life as you would your own. Please stop thinking just because this Precious Fur Angel is unable to speak English or whatever language, he or she is disposable.

These Precious Fur Angels will give you the Stars, the Moon and the Sun if they could, so be respectful of their Life as they didn’t hold a gun to your head and demand that you adopt them. Just remember your actions as an adult will be mimicked by your two-legged human children.

Just Like Human Children, Fur Babies Become What They Learn.

Attached is a link to Dorothy Law Nolte’s poem, “Children Learn What They Live”. This poem is amazing whether you are teaching two-legged or four-legged children.

Whether you are a Pet Parent and/or a human parent, when you bring your children (Fur or otherwise) up in a home full of love, with no violence towards your significant other/spouse or children, that’s what they will take out into the world. This is how your Precious Fur Babies will see the world in which they live. This is also how your two legged children will act, behave and give to the world in which they live.

You can buy a copy of this poem on Etsy and hang it in a prominent place in your home to remind you of what a wonderful place this World could be when we live by this Philosophy and pass it on to our Fur and Human Babies. Imagine how Loving and Peaceful and Wonderful this World could be when everyone in this World would Teach their Fur and Human children a Loving World and understand what happens when they are taught the negative things in the poem and what the consequences are.

Responsible Pet Parenting Starts Here!

From Body Language to Diet - Pet Care Basics 101 Covers it All!

We Teach and Inspire You to be Great Pet Parents and Pet Siblings!

The driving force behind Pet Care Basics 101 is our love and Passion fur Fur Babies. We want to see Fur Babies who leave shelters and rescues brighten the homes of educated and responsible Pet Parents and Pet Siblings. This is why we’ve created the Pet Care Basics 101 Courses.

When you and your family are considering adding a Fur Baby to your family fur the first time, seasoned Pet Parents and/or Pet Siblings, or just want to improve your Fur Baby’s quality of life, these Courses will show you the way to give your Fur Baby a long Life full of Happiness and Comfort.

Make the responsible choice and show your furry family members how much you Love them. Learn how to prevent costly illnesses, when to take your Fur Baby to the doctor, understand your Fur Baby’s body language and more!

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